A vision statement: is a dream of the future. It describes the end goal or destination the organization wants to achieve.
The mission statement: describes the main purpose of the organization in achieving its vision.
Objectives: are the things you are going to do to meet the aims. They need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound (SMART)
Basic functions of the masjid
Islamic education
Religious services like marriage and funerals
Expanded functions of the masjid (especially when Muslims are minority)
Social services: health, food, housing, refugees assistance
Social activities
Interfaith, new-Muslims, serving the non-Muslim community
Family services: youth, mental health, counseling, shelter
Islamic school: part-time, full-time, college-level
Place to worship and practice Islam
Safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment
According to the Quran and the sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)
To increase Muslims in knowledge and spirituality
To convey the message of Islam to Non-Muslims
To install Islamic values and the appreciation of them
To make contribution to society
To clear misunderstanding of Islam
To build bridges of communication
To demonstrate the effectiveness of Islam in today’s world
To pursue freedom and justice in a a peaceful and caring way